
NYC Taxi Logo Redesign Submissions

As I reported before, everyone seems to be very disappointed in the New York Taxi Logo redesign, so the NY Times (and I) offered others a whack at their own re-design.
Well, either my readers are shy, or they really are hacks. No one sent me their attempt at a redesigned NYC taxi logo, but they did to the NY Times (Gee, I wonder why? You think they have more credibility and readership?).

Nevertheless, if you don't get around to reading the NY Times online, here are some of the submissions. Any of which are far superior, in my opinion, to the 'bungled' collaboration created by Wolff Olins and Smart Design.

What I found interesting is how many of the new designs came from readers outside the US (Germany, New Zealand and more). Just goes to show you you don't need to be a New Yawker, to "get" New York.

From Scott Schwebel:

From Alex Lloyd:

From Frank Schnaas:

From James Jardee:

From Karman Mir:

From Qui HU (age 13):

From Richard R.:

From Scott Lahod:

Way to go guys! Nice work.

See the original post on the design debacle here.