
Meet Andrea Branzi & His Portali Collection

I quite accidentally came across this amazing collection of limited edition ceramic vases for SUPEREGO by the famous italian architect Andrea Branzi. Each piece is designed to hold flowers but is much more than that. Small sculptures and unique art that interacts with the organic flowers within them.

Take a look at some of my favorites:

Buy one here before they're all gone!

About the Artist:

Andrea Branzi, architect and designer, born in Florence in 1938, where he graduated in 1967, lives and works in Milano.

From 1964 to 1974 he was a partner of Archizoom Associati, first vanguard group internationally known, whose projects are preserved at Centro Studi e Archivio della Comunicazione in Parma and at Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris.

Since 1967 he works in the fields of industrial and research design, architecture, urban planning, education and cultural promotion. He is also a Professor at the Third Faculty of Architecture and Industrial Design of Politecnico di Milano.

Since the beginning Andrea Branzi’s work has dealt with urban planning, architecture and design, meant as professional activities integrated and engaged in the production of innovation.

In this sense there has always been a close relation between project and research, meant as activities engaged to foster knowledge and critical reflection about design and its historical context. Since the birth of the radical movement (his graduation thesis is preserved at Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris), to his present educational and research activities about the models of weak urbanisation.

His archive is preserved at Centro Studi e Archivio della Comunicazione in Parma (Italy), while the photographic archive of Archizoom Associati is at Centre Georges Pompidou

To read more about the artist, click here.