
A Great Idea : Heat-Sensitive Wallpaper

Here's a very interesting design project by Schuyuan, a recent grad from the University of Portsmouth, (who speaks English, Mandarin and the way).

Called Design with Life, the project, as described by the artist, was " explore a new definition of decoration which brings life to design" .

A very compelling part of the project described above is their Heat-Sensitive wallpaper, which when activated actually blossoms flowers (see below).

Below: Radiator Off

....and with the heat from the radiator on:

A section from the nicely designed brochure that accompanied the project describing the wallpaper's reaction at different room temperatures:

What a fun interactive and creative idea. No doubt some interesting design firm will snap up this recent graduate. I bet Schuyuan will not be looking for work for very long. Go to the artists'site to see more.

Contact info:
The artists' e-mail: