
David Tomb's First Non-Portrait Show In 20 Years Opens In San Francisco

Electric Works presents "Treasures of the Sierra Madre—Birds of West Mexico" paintings by David Tomb, featuring work inspired by Tomb’s birding trips to Mexico and research from the California Academy of Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, and the Los Angeles Natural History Museum.

In the gallery Tomb, best known for his portraits of people, is presenting his first non-portrait show in over twenty years. With this exciting departure Tomb is recreating the sights and sounds of this Sierra Madre region of west Mexico.

Below: Details from Mobster (above left)

Above: Mobster, detail

Large-scale drawings (11' x 8') of birds in trees will be installed with actual trees and native vegetation supplied by Flora Grubb Gardens. Mounted bird specimens on loan from the California Academy of Science and recorded bird calls from Western Mexico will fill the gallery to add to the atmosphere of this installation. In addition there will be a sound installation by Martyn Stewart of engineered by johnnyrandom.

Above: David working on Mobster in his studio

Above: One of David's 2006 shows of his figurative work

Below are some of his fabulous figurative works:

Above: Tomb's Navigating Environments (5' x 10')

Above: Albany, 66" x 66"

Above left: Portrait of Ethan Wallison
Above right: The artist's portrait of yours truly.

See the artist's site here.

SF Electric Works Gallery site.
Gallery Hours are:
Monday-Friday: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday: 10:30am - 5:30 pm