
I'm Officially A Geek And On The Cover Of Wired

So, I open my mailbox yesterday to retrieve my mail and what do I find, but a picture of myself and my late doggy, Abbey, staring back at me from the cover of Wired Magazine!

No, I'm not on newsstands everywhere but I had almost forgotten that this 'custom' July cover was coming to me.

Last January, Wired allowed the first 500 subscribers to upload a photo of themselves and if approved, would be put on their own cover. At that time, Abbey was still alive, but sick with cancer so I thought this would be a fun way to memorialize her.

I was right. The cover is thick stock and seamless, you'd never know it was only one of a kind.

I hope some of my readers were fortunate enough to be one of the 500!

This is the closest I'll ever be to being a Covergirl!