
Rollout's Custom & Artist Series Wallpapers

above: Sultry Hair and War Babies, two patterns from Rollout's Artist One Series

ROLLOUT is a creative studio that designs and digitally prints custom wallpapers by the square foot. They recruit community-based artists, photographers, industrial designers and cutting edge graphic artists/designers to create amazingly original wall coverings, many seen in hip stores and offices like Worth clothing and Microsoft's Zune.

Above left; JONATHAN NODRICK (President, Creative Director) and right; ANITA MODHA (CEO, Director of Marketing & Communications)

As described on their site:
ROLLOUT was born out of the need for graphic expression in the interior design industry. Gone are the days of slick minimalism. We embrace texture, expression, emotion and color, filling the gaping hole left by modernism.
Below are some of their custom designs:

Above: as seen in Vancouver's Moustache & Darling

Above: The dressing rooms in Worth have the same wallpaper as the rest of the store, but in cream on white as opposed to silver on black.

Above: A custom callalily design for a private residence

In addition to designing custom wallpapers, they have "stock" designer and artist papers that you can choose from. They can print these papers to fit your space. Please contact them for a quote.

Some of their fabulous artist series wall coverings:
Please click on each image below to enlarge so you can see the detail!

Their premium, latex-based inkjet wallcoverings come in 36’’ wide rolls that they digitally print to any square footage. This allows ROLLOUT to minimize waste – and your costs. ROLLOUT delivers ready-to-hang wallpaper, developed to your precise specifications, to your project site.

Above: You can order a sample book with five of their designs for $25

Above: Or this cool skull shirt based on one of their custom wallpapers.
For more info on the t-shirt or sample book, e-mail them here.

Now, it's true, with wall coverings like these it's very difficult to hang art on the walls. But then again, with wall coverings like these, who needs art?

ROLLOUT Custom Wallpaper
#301-321 Railway Street
Vancouver BC Canada V6A 1A4
Office (604) 681.3780
Cell (604) 258.8072




Visit their site here.