
Fun Interactive DUI Deterrent. For Men.

The following is a wonderfully creative answer from Saatchi & Saatchi, germany to a creative directive to come up with a way to sell a taxi service. Well, at least to men.

About the Piss-Screen

1. The Brief

Frankfurt Taxi Services asked us to do something for them in bars, so that people would take a taxi, instead of driving home drunk with their own car. We thought “Right”, drinking and driving isn´t a game and started thinking.

2. Our Solution - The Piss-Screen

The Piss-Screen is a pressure-sensitive Inlay for Urinals, to play a game with your pee. The game is displayed on a Screen above the urinal. We teamed up with bars across Frankfurt, and installed the Piss-Screen in the mens Restrooms. We designed a driving game in the style of Need for Speed with the clue, that people would have a terrible crash into the oncoming-traffic if their reaction time was too slow.

After the crash we placed the message.

3. The Message

“Too pissed to drive?”

“Take a Taxi instead!”

“Call: 069-733030″

4. The Effect
The effect was pretty simple, the more drinks people had, the more they had to go to the toilet. Because you will normally not expect such a thing as the piss-screen on a ordinary toilet, we and the client were quiet sure that people would remember that drink-driving isn`t a game.

5. Links

[Play the game as a simulation]

[See the blog for the whole Story]

6. The Team

Creative Director: Sebastian Schier

Art Directors: Patrick Ackmann, Martin Anderle, Christian Bartsch

Text: William John

Technical Developement & Production: Christian Bartsch

Programming: Martin Anderle, Christian Bartsch

Inlay Design & Modelbuilding: Markus Fischer []

Technical Support: Martin Nawrath, Wolfgang Staude, KHM Köln

7. Terms of Use

Any product, process or technology referred to in this Site is licensed under european patent law. You may not distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, reproduce, re-post or use the copyrighted materials on this Site for public or commercial purposes, including the text, images, audio and video, without the express written consent of Christian Bartsch and SAATCHI & SAATCHI, Frankfurt. All rights reserved. Copyright 2006 by Christian Bartsch and SAATCHI & SAATCHI, Frankfurt.

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Ust-Id. DE 811538026
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Frankfurt am Main