
Funky Find Of the week: Tea Cozies for People?

The Cozy HideAway

above: The HideAway Adult cozy, made of soft wool

A lot is happening in the world of textiles. Whether it's an abumdance of pillows, bedding or wallpaper, we are seeing the most unusual designs.

However, I have yet to find anything more unusual than Rosalie Monod de Froideville's HideAway Cozies.

From ArtOlive, a gallery in the Netherlands comes these bizarre soft wool cozies for everything from Adults to dogs. Sorry, they don't have any for tea kettles.

Please note how the 'corporate one even has room for a briefcase!

They also make custom ones.

And these aren't prototypes guys, you can order them!

Below is the description from the site:

Willem de Kooning Academie

We all have these moments when we wish the world could just stop existing for a while. Whether it's to get away from a personal crisis or from universal threats, from time to time all we want to do is curl up and hide. Now, for these moments we have the perfect soultion: the HideAway. Pre-shaped in the hiding-position, this cover has a snug fit and is easy to use. you can get into it fast and easy, anywhere and at any time.

And, of course, the requisite pics:

The HideAway for Baby

The HideAwaya Corporate, pin striped with room for briefcase!

The HideAway for Dog

above: the HideAway Trench

above: The HideAway Thug-life is very 'street'

Interested in a Custom HideAway of your own?

You can contact them at