
Levis "Dangerous Liaisons" CommercialWill Stand The Test Of Time

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The Dangerous Liaisons spot begins with a woman in her denim work wear looking through a window. Horse and buggy sounds alert us to a nineteenth century setting. With a knock on the door comes the beginning of the soundtrack, “Strange Love”, by Little Annie Bandez. As the man and woman take off a layer of clothes we see them appear in early twentieth century garb, he with a khaki top and shorter hair, she in a blonde wig and pink top. Next strip leads to the 1970s and long hair. And on the bed he reveals 1980s grunge jeans to match her white print shirt. Finally the strip reaches its climax with the new 2007 range. As they reach their point of intimacy we hear police sirens in the background.

Agency: BBH, London
Creative Director: Caroline Pay
Agency Producer: Davud Karbassioun
Art Director: Steve Wakelam, Dean Wei
Production Company: Rattling Stick
Director: Ringan Ledwidge
Producer: Sally Humphries
Post Production: The Mill, London
Music: “Strange Love”, Little Annie